ase cam xde mood je mlam ni. suppose kena revise, tomorrow hv test, PHYSICAL CHEM II test. duhh!~ act, dh study last saturday n sunday. yela, last wednesday DR. HAMID suddenly said he want to gv us 1st test on next monday. weird. die ajar physic on wednesday slot. but why he said want to do test on monday?? i've been wondering..~ monday slot DR. MISNI. hurm, xpelah.. mybe saje je kott. die dh kasitau dr. misni kot nk wat test on monday. then study jela. tau2 monday morning on 9am, dr. misni msuk klas? eahh?? rupe2nye, dr. misni soh dr. hamid back up klas die klu die xde. so, since dr. misni dh de, the test will be postpone on WEDNESDAY, sok laa!! aduyaii, ritu xkesah pon postpone. coz xready sgt. tp rini ase mlas gak nk tgok notes blek.. cmne nihh?! tp ptg kan dh tdo. still got no mood to study now. AIED, kena kuat smgat, jgn cepat tgoda ngan pesekitaran. hurm~ dhla xde mood study, LAPAR lak tu. adehh! bru je mkan kul 6pm td. cpat tol penghadaman.. padanla ceq kuruih jaa~ hehe. LAPAR LAPAR LAPAR!!
- MAKAN. *tgok duit dlu*
- STUDY *kena pakse dri. sigh~*
- MAKAN. *klu lpar ag tp kena jimat*
- STUDY. *klu rajin laa*
- TIDO. *mesti!!*
ala aied!
blhla ko,..
at least dpt tdo!
ak dh separuh senget dh nie tau!
sok ak tiru!
anonymous: mehh dok seblah. klu ko pempuan laa. hehe. t kt bncang. aq pon xpndai sgt, ko nk tiru wtpe! haha!
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